Tired of watching movies all weekend? Well, here’s a little treat from 21.com that will save your weekends. Simply make a deposit of €25 during the week and BAM, 2 x 21 Free Spins will wait on your account on Saturday AND Sunday. Spins will be played on the hottest game release of the year Great Rhino Megaways from Pragmatic Play. Make a deposit now and your weekend will be saved!
Bonus Terms & Conditions
- The total amount of €25 has to be deposited between 00:01 CET Monday and 23:59 on Friday.
- The Free Spins will be credited to eligible customers at 00:01 CET every Saturday and Sunday.
- All of the Free Spins winnings have a wagering requirement of 50x.
- The campaign starts 27 April 2020 and will go on until further notice.
- 21.com’s terms and conditions apply at all times for this campaign.
- 21.com reserves the right to withdraw the promotion at any time.